Friday, June 30, 2006

With A Bang Or A Whimper?

For all the noise made in film land over the Anthony Pellicano wiretapping caase, Monday's Studio Briefing, highlights that the legal wrangle may end up being for nothing. now appears likely to sputter out without the previously expected indictments of high-profile Hollywood attorneys and their clients, the Los Angeles Times indicated today, noting that the government had failed to decrypt nearly 300 of Pellicano's recordings found on his computers when they were seized. The newspaper, however, quoted law enforcement sources and others who have reviewed the government's case as saying that even without the recordings, it has sufficient evidence to prove its case. It quoted defense lawyer Peter Knecht as saying, "This case has had so much publicity attached to it -- for the government to lose it would be a real blow. It would be like losing [the] O.J." Simpson murder case.

I find it hard to believe that the U.S. prosecutors working the case could make such a huge mistake...especially with all of the "evidence" generated from the case.

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