
Friday, August 18, 2006

Plea Flicker

File this one under "Not at all a surprise".

From today's Movie/TV News column from The World Entertainment News Service

Gibson Agrees To Plea Deal To Stay Out of Jail

Mel Gibson has avoided a spell in jail after agreeing to a plea deal following his drink driving arrest at the end of last month. In court in Malibu, California yesterday morning, the movie star's lawyer confirmed he had thrashed out a deal with prosecutors, which will place Gibson on probation for three years.

Under the terms of the deal, Gibson will attend a full year of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

He has also been fined $1,200. Gibson has also volunteered to record a public service announcement on the hazards of driving while drunk and to enter a rehabilitation facility immediately, according to website

It was understood that Gibson had checked himself into such a facility after his arrest, but US tabloids report the actor has been a recluse at his home in California since the incident hit the headlines. Gibson has pleaded no contest to driving with a .08 blood alcohol level or higher. The count of driving under the influence was dismissed, as was a charge of driving with an open container of alcohol.

The plea deal was officiated by judge Laurence Mira, who has passed sentence on a number of lawbreaking celebrities like Nick Nolte, Nicole Richie and Gibson's pal Robert Downey, Jr.

Gibson was arrested on July 28 after leaving Malibu bar Moonshadows. His arrest prompted outrage from Jewish community leaders after the actor's drunken, anti-Semitic rant was made public.

Now that he's avoided any jail time...I hope he 1.) really makes an effort to straighten himself out and 2) realizes how lucky he is

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