
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Guys Night Out

Martin Scorsese's The Departed had its premiere last night in New York City.

Steven Zeitchik in today's Variety reports on the event:

Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon made the trek to Gotham to promote 'The Departed.

The big movie that no one -- practically no one -- has seen had its blowout Gotham preem Tuesday night, and the stars turned out in force. Warners' "The Departed" has been something of a mystery film, since there have been no formal advance screenings and the film has been on and off screening lists of Oscar contenders...

Click Here For More...

Jack Nicholson (at right) with Leonardo DiCaprio in a scene from The Departed

I know I have said this before, but, I'm really looking forward to seeing this flick. As for the limited advance screenings--(Roger Friedman of Fox was lucky enough to attend an early screening last week.) My guess is that the parties involved just wanted to make the official premiere of the movie all the more "event-worthy". I don't think they were hiding it from anyone...Or are worried that the film isn't any good.

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