Actor/director Mel Gibson faced tough questions from ABC News Good Morning America anchor Diane Sawyer earlier this week...
The Apocalypto helmer has been apologizing six ways to Sunday for his despicable behavior during that now infamous traffic stop last July.
Kudos to Ms. Sawyer for not letting Gibson off the hook. Having read transcripts of the interview, as well as seeing a few video clips--here, here, and here--of Sawyer's piece, I don't feel sorry for him. And I don't buy his explanations/apology at all.
To say that he's not a racist, but then admit that those "feelings came from somewhere" just doesn't wash with me. I know he is human and as such is very flawed, and that I should forgive him...Yadda Yadda. Here's my problem: He just didn't come across as genuine in the interview...As someone who used to enjoy his work, I want to forgive him, I really do. But the cynic in me wonders what Gibson would be saying if he didn't have a new movie coming out--or didn't need to get back in good graces with his Hollywood pals--to continue his career?
Another part of the interview that bothered me: His concern at the time of his arrest that his mug shot not resemble the wild haired look of Nick Nolte...
You've just been arrested on serious charges...and you worry about looking bad in your mug shot? Wow!! I guess even at that point in the story, he knew he would be avoiding jail...What a dumb ass.
For a fee, you can Watch the Full Mel Gibson Interview...
I am glad he's in rehab getting the help he needs...but he has done little else to win me over as yet... He has a long way to go in that regard.
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