
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Role Reversal?

According to actor Shia LaBeouf, news of his role in Indiana Jones 4 as the son of the famed archaeologist, was nothing more than speculation.

Mike Szymanski of Sci-Fi Wire:

Shia LaBeouf downplayed to SCI FI Wire reports that he is working on a deal to star in the fourth Indiana Jones...

"Look, those were rumors that got started on the Internet, and it's a great idea, and it would be fun to talk about, but I don't have the part," LaBeouf said in an interview at a press event for his upcoming animated film Surf's Up at Sony Pictures on March 8. "Hey, I can't keep a secret. If it were true, I'd talk about it. I'll tell everyone."

Variety reported on
[Thursday] that LaBeouf... was in talks to play the [offspring] of Harrison Ford's [character] in the upcoming fourth film, which will again be directed by Steven Spielberg.
Not so, LaBeouf said. "That's just a rumor," he insisted. "I know that when I have a job I sign contracts, I talk to directors, and that hasn't happened, and until that happens, I'm out of work. I'm looking at a bunch of different things."

Would he take the role if offered? "If that happens, of course I'm on board," he said. "It's a dream job, but it's a rumor right now."

That being said, he did jokingly try on the fedora that his Surf's Up co-star Jeff Bridges wore to the party. "Yeah, nice fit," LaBeouf said with a smile.

I actually think a deal with LaBeouf to appear in the film may indeed be in the offing It's just not been worked out yet...The young actor may claim to have trouble normally keeping mum. But in this case, he knows better than to say anything, at this point. I think he would rather that papa Steven and or uncle George make any news about Indy official.

Stay tuned...

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