
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Keeping Up To "Speed"

Actors Susan Sarandon and John Goodman are in talks to join the cast of the forthcoming big-screen version of Speed Racer written and directed by the Wachowski brothers.

Last Sunday's Hollywood Reporter explains that the pair are being sought for the roles of Speed's parents in the film.

Goodman would portray Pops, a car owner and builder, and Sarandon would play Speed's mom, the backbone of the family and the Mach 5 Go Racing Team. Goodman is perfect for Pops; Sarandon seems like an odd pick for a film like this, but I'm willing to buy into it, based on her resume. Besides even "serious" actors like her, need to have fun every now and again.

The trade adds that casting for Speed's girlfriend, Trixie and Racer X is underway, and says that the Wachowskis are being very careful about their choices. As well they should be for those of us who grew up watching the animated series..we're watching this stuff carefully. Emile Hirsch (The Girl Next Door and Alpha Dog) is already on board the film, playing the title role.

The film will follow the exploits of race car driver, Speed, on his quest for glory behind the wheel of the legendary Mach 5.

Directors Larry and Andy Wachowski will shoot the film in German this summer with a May 9th 2008 release set.

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