
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Castle Of Sand

The Punisher (2004) star Thomas Jane (pictured) told the folks over at AICN in the form of a letter-- that he is dropping out of the proposed sequel:

"I regretfully and painfully had to pull out of P2. I can't tell you how completely broken up I am about it. Punisher fans are already fighting an uphill battle as it is. And I've always felt a responsibility to fight that fight for them and with them so that Frank Castle gets the treatment he deserves" said Jane.

Adding "What I won't do is spend months of my life sweating over a movie that I just don't believe in. I've always loved the Marvel guys, and wish them well. Meanwhile, I'll continue to search for a film that one day might stand with all those films that the fans have asked me to watch."

Click here to read the full letter...

I know I'm probably in the minority here but I really liked the first film--and Jane was a big reason why I thought the film worked. While I respect Jane's discision, I'm disappointed, nonetheless.

If the sequel does indeed move ahead--I hope they really take their time casting the role. Although I can't imagine anyone being as bad in the part as Dolph Lundgren was for that '89 version of The Punisher....

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