
Saturday, May 05, 2007

"I Just Miss The Reagan Years That's All..."

Before I head out the door to see Spider-Man 3 later this morning, I wanted to be sure and post these hilarious videos from ItsJustSomeRandomGuy via YouTube. What follows are a series of parodies on those witty Mac VS. PC Ads starring Justin Long and John Hodgman. Instead of competing computer operating systems though, it's superhero film franchises that are targeted--with Superman getting bested by Spider-Man... Batman and The Hulk show up as well. Great Stuff! Enjoy! Each one of them is worth the click...But my personal fave is by far #3...

Special tip 'O the hat goes to my buddy Joe for telling me about the first vid in the series...

...I hope to have my review of Spidey 3 posted in the next couple of days...One more thing I just learned that, the film captured an estimated $59 million on its first day...

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