
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Stepping On The Cape

Back in March of this year, there were reports that the sequel to Superman Returns would be delayed, thanks to director Bryan Singer's other commitments...A few short days later--those stories were denied. Now, some three months later, the pot-- with the same news, has been stirred again:

Robert Sanchez of IESB:

A few days ago, one of our colleagues spoke with the producers of Mayor of Castro Street Neil Meron and Craig Zadan and they stated that their film would be in production right after Bryan Singer is done with Valkyrie over in Germany. If that is accurate that would delay the Superman Returns sequel that has been scheduled to start early ‘08.

So is it true? Is Bryan Singer going to direct The Mayor of Castro Street before The Man of Steel?

The IESB called sources in the Singer camp to see if there where any truth to the producers’ statements. Here’s what they had to say, “That’s total horse s***, I would say the same thing if I was producing that film but don’t you realize that most of the Superman producers are working with Bryan on Valkyrie? Gil Adler and Chris Lee both are in Germany with Bryan and I can guarantee you that there is some work being done with Superman right now.

So why would Neil Meron and Craig Zadan say the contrary? “It’s their job as producers to keep that movie on their front burner, but really, Bryan’s deal with Warner Bros. for the Superman sequel is already done and signed and that’s the priority,” our studio source tells the IESB.

Both The Mayor of Castro Street and Superman: The Man of Steel have been on Singer's plate simultaneously for awhile now...But let's face it--of the 2 flicks--Supes MOS will be a bigger money maker...And thus, takes priority. The studio and Singer said the sequel will be ready by '09 and until either or both say otherwise--I'm holding them to that--regardless of what producers on another film have to say on the matter.

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