Strike talks halted
The Writers Guild of America accuses AMPTP of 'fake negotiations' AMPTP says it won't return to the table unless the WGA backs off on six "unreasonable demands," including jurisdiction over reality TV.
Freshman writers face blockade
Strike stalls chances for sophomore success
Writers, producers trade potshots
Sides try to put spin on negotiation
WGA fears AMPTP will walk
Guild hopes to negotiate through holidays
Ugh! Now What? Stay Tuned...
I love this double-speak from the AMPTP: "Their proposal for Internet compensation could actually cost producers more than we receive in revenues, thereby dooming Internet media business before it gets started."
Let's look at that little gem. To me it says, "We're making profit now, but don't wish to share." Last time I checked "Internet Media" business is here - iPods/iPhones exist - people have been downloading stuff now for quite awhile. Time to stop whining while taking the whole pie, and share it with those who helped create it.
Great comment!
I'm so tired of network studio greed and these jerks who give us crap reality shows and crap movies - sequel after lame sequel and just really bad movies. To top it all off they don't want to fairly pay writers or the actors that make it happen.
I hope the strike lasts as long as it takes to get a good deal!!
Is it me or is this blog pro WGA?
They constantly publish strike crap then they pay a real screen writer guy Will Stape to rant pro WGA on it.
Where's the objectivity?
To be clear: Mr. Stape does NOT receive any type of payment for his reviews/commentary on TLR.
Further--His opinions don't represent mine but as the sole owner of this blog--I am responsible for its content.
As far as being "pro WGA"-Until you see a post by me that states which side I'm on don't assume...For the record, I have kept my opinions on the strike to a minimum, that said, I'm not bound by "objectivity" in any way. My feelings on the strike and other industry matters have been posted throughout the history of this blog--The Mel Gibson DUI arrest leaps to mind as one example. If you want objectivity go to the CNN website or MSNBC.
In fact, if you wish to counter Mr. Stape's viewpoint, I invite you (and anyone else for that matter) to write and send me a pro-AMPTP Op-ed. As long as it is well thought out, well written and I can use your name I promise to publish it as part of a post...
Fair Enough?
I contribute to this blog for several reasons.
First off, it's exceedingly well written, presented, and maintains a singular focus which many blogs can't claim.
Tom is also a pal. I'm proud of him. His dedication to TLR serves up excellence on a consistent basis.
Finally, no payment is involved in my contribution, not that it's anyone's business. Since Tom made that public, I confirm it.
Tom made his point strongly. If you wish "unbiased" reporting - frankly I don't see that fabled animal anywhere really - visit a big media site. TLR is a wonderful blog written by a knowledgeable film fan. His only obligation, if anything, is to himself in terms of high quality fun factor of the blog.
Will Stape
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