
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Any Who

Actress Natasha Henstridge (pictured) has joined the cast of indie drama "Anytown" says The Hollywood Reporter.

The beauty who burst on to the scene as an alien humanoid in Species some 13 years ago, plays a news anchor covering an attack on an Native-American boy by two fellow high school students who videotape the crime. The investigation forces her to examine industry's post-September 11 role in fueling hate crimes committed by young folk.

Matt O'Leary co-stars.

Dave Rodriguez ("Push") is pulling triple duty on the movie--producing, directing and co-scripting with Zak Meyers.

It's nice to have Henstridge back in limelight--this project-coupled with her current TV gig on the quirky series Eli Stone, puts her back on the right track...

Filming is currently underway in Los Angeles.

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