
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

All Choked Up

Tough guy actig legend James Caan has left the political comedy "Nailed" after getting into a dispute with director David O. Russell leading him to storm off the set according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The film tells the tale of a of a woman who gets a nail lodged in her head and travels to Washington to fight for better health care.

Caan had two days of shooting in his role as US Speaker of the House. The dispute was over rhe proper way one chokes to death on a cookie.

Russell asked Caan to cough as he choked, but the seasoned actor argued that the character couldn't cough and choke to death at the same time. Russell suggested that they shoot it both ways, but the Cann expressed distrust that his version would be considered and left the set.

A spokesman for Caan says there were creative differences and the departure was amicable.

Shooting, which began last week, continues with Caan's part being recast.

Producer Douglas Wick claims that Russell has been conducting himself professionally throughout production...

OK once I stopped laughing at the absurdity of the situation...

Russell has a history of arguing with his talent--George Clooney on Three Kings and Lily Tomlin on I Heart Huckabees--The latter of which became a sensation on YouTube and beyond...

While I respect both men a great deal to quibble over how someone dies while chocking to death on food in a comedy flick seems pretty silly...

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