
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Indy Onslaught

With just about 5 weeks to go before the long awaited release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in theaters...Publicity continues apace befitting a summer blockbuster

USA Today spoke with star Harrison Ford about what it's been like stepping back into the role of Indy after a 19 year hiatus...

The good news is that the article also include nifty new imagery from the sequel, like the one below of Indy and Mutt (Shia LaBeouf) having stumbled onto a skeleton. The most interesting news to be gleaned from the story is that Ford would be up for another Indiana Jones movie, provided it doesn’t take another 20 years to make...

While I admire that Ford is ready for another go here...I'm kinda surprised he said so before the film rolls out....

Meanwhile, as part of its annual Summer Movie Preview--Indy is the spotlight for May-as Entertainment Weekly's Steve Daly offers up 'Indiana Jones': The Untold Story

The coverage also includes a joint Q&A with Indy masterminds Spielberg & Lucas...

The Man With The Hat Returns May 22nd; The EW Summer Preview hits newsstands on Monday...

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