
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ready To Fly

The folks at Coming Soon recently spoke to Brandon Routh about the sequel Superman: Man of Steel and what he's hoping for from the Superman Returns follow-up.

The first thing he mentioned was that he wants to see Superman getting to use his powers in a ways other than just lifting heavy things:

"Something that audiences are looking for – and I certainly am, too – is for Superman to actually be able to lay a punch on someone or something," he said.

"I was filming and I thought, "I haven't really hit anything. I feel like I'm going to need to let some of this anger out." So I'm happy that I think that's going to be a central part of the sequel, getting a good villain that we can actually have physical altercations with. Certainly also, I'd like more humor from Clark or just more of Clark and Jimmy. A little bit more of Lois and Clark, how we used to see them, a bit more of buddies. Perhaps things will be smoothed over with Superman and Lois and she can afford to be a little bit nicer to Clark. I think that's something that people want to see and those are some of the great moments from previous "Superman" films. Also, Superman and Lois getting together, that's always my end goal".

Routh also say that he expects to "be working [on MOS by] early next year. I know that Bryan Singer has pretty much finished out Valkyrie and is back in the states and is zeroing in on the story that he wants to tell. Once that arrives it's going to move pretty quickly."

Even if they start filming by January '09 MOS can't possibly be ready before mid 2010...I just hope the film allows our hero a true return to cinematic greatness.

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