
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Indy And Michelle Visit Trek (And JJ Speaks)

As I head off to finally see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull--posting this nifty news item from last month seems appropriate

Trek said that Harrison Ford dropped by during the last week of production on Star Trek.

Apparently he wasn’t there long, but did have time to lunch with Abrams. Ford’s visit was at a different time than that of Indy director Steven Spielberg.

Confirming Abrams/Ford project rumors?

Abrams is a well-known Star Wars fan, so it surely was a thrill for him to show Ford around his sci-fi film set, but it wouldn’t be the first meeting. JJ Abrams first film script was for the 1991 film Regarding Henry, which starred Harrison Ford. It is also possible that Abrams and Ford were meeting to discuss “Morning Glory” a romantic comedy which is one of Abrams many projects in development at Paramount and is rumored to involve Ford as the lead.

Did Han Solo meet Captain Kirk?

Recently the new Kirk,
Chris Pine said that he was inspired by Ford’s portrayals as Han Solo and Indiana Jones, but it isn’t known if Pine got to talk shop with Ford. Pine isn’t the only Ford admirer on Star Trek. The co-writers, Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman were quoted in a recent article talking up... Ford specifically, with Kurtzman saying “nobody does action” like Ford.

You can also add the lovely and talented Michelle Monaghan to the Star Trek flick visitor's list-TrekMovie:

Our source also says that Michelle Monaghan dropped by the set during shooting... Monaghan appeared in Abrams Mission: Impossible III and recently wrapped as the co-star of the thriller Eagle Eye, [co-staring "Crystal Skull's Shia LaBeouf] which is produced by Orci and Kurtzman

Meantime, I found Abrams comments to The Associated Press a few weeks ago... quite fascinating regarding the new Trek film...

I feel like this is so unlike what you expect, so unlike the Star Trek you’ve seen," he said. "At the same time, it’s being true to what’s come before, honouring it. I can say the effects for Star Trek have never, ever been done like this. … I can only tell you the idea of the universe of Star Trek has never been given this kind of treatment.”

Abrams says he's making Trek that he hopes is accessible to a general audience as well as the the loyal core group of fans.

One of the writers who’s a devout Trekker. And we’re serving the people who are completely enamored with Star Trek. But we are not making the movie for that contingent alone. It was an opportunity to take what I think has been a maligned world — to sound crass, a franchise — and treat it in a way that made it something that I wanted to see. To take the characters, the thoughtfulness, the personalities, the sense of adventure, the idea of humanity working together, the sense of social commentary and innovation, all that stuff. To take it and apply it in a way that felt genuinely thrilling.”

Sounds good to me. Trek had a great "crossover" film once before with 1986's Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home... Can Abrams and his team do the same 23 years later? Time will Tell....

Off to see Indy...

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