
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Family Circus

As if The Dark Knight needed any more attention...

Batman star Christian Bale was arrested Tuesday on allegations of assault, police said.

British media had reported that Bale's mother and sister complained they were assaulted by the 34-year-old actor at the
The Dorchester in London on Sunday night, a day before the European premiere of "The Dark Knight

Bale denies allegations of assault

Bale has denied allegations of assault made by his mother and sister, hours after he was arrested, questioned by London police and released.

Don't know what effect if any this is gonna have on Bale's career long term or how long the details of what really happened will remain a "private matter".., But I wonder if he will attend Comic-Con to promote Terminator Salvation this weekend...? My advice Address the issue as soon as you can personally and more in depth so that the press can put it to bed quickly...

Stay Tuned...

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