
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A Former Talks Latter

Former Terminator turned California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his thoughts about Terminator Salvation.

In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, Schwarzenegger revealed he was given a private screening of early footage from the film by producers.

He says "I still don't know how it will play out with this one. They showed me some footage, but I don't have a feel for the movie. I didn't see enough. I wasn't sure who the Terminator was. I don't know if there is one or if he's the star or the hero. These are the things that determine the success and how the strong the movie will be."

He thinks big FX are the the keys to its success, saying that "If [director McG] has the T4 and the kind of shots that has the audience thinking, 'Now how did he do that?' -- then it is 'Terminator' and you can blow everyone away and every record at the box office."

He does however hope that those involved are successful - "I've seen very little footage so I don't really have a feel for it. I hope they do well, and I hope it is a huge hit. I do hope it creates a spectacle on the screen. That is what James Cameron created."

I actually think Christian Bale as an adult John Connor will be a major draw for the picture....

It's nice to know that the men behind TS are keeping Arnie somewhat in the loop here...

Filming is underway in New Mexico.

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