
Monday, August 18, 2008

House Divided?

Here's a Strike II update Richard Verrier, LA Times:

New York members of the Screen Actors Guild national board issued a sharp rebuke of their own leaders Sunday, demanding that they seek help from a federal mediator if contract talks don't progress by Aug. 25.

The unusual criticism was the latest sign of infighting between the Hollywood and New York factions on SAG's 71-member national board.

The New York group, which holds 14 seats on the board, blasted SAG leaders for "failing to bargain realistically" with the studios.

"Nothing is happening, and we're no closer to a deal today than we were six weeks ago," the New York members said in a statement, contradicting assertions by SAG Executive Director Doug Allen and President Alan Rosenberg that contract discussions with the studios were ongoing.

"They intend to simply sit still until the upcoming [board] elections are concluded rather than make the 'unpopular' moves necessary to make a deal," the statement said. "The willful inaction of our negotiators is costing our members money, every day."

Actors in Hollywood's biggest union have been working without a contract since the previous one expired June 30.

Basic Rule of any labor dispute you can't have a clear resolution just sitting around...I can't believe The Screen Actors Guild would risk another split ala' AFTRA, Dumb. If talks are indeed active then how come no progress reports of late?

Stay Tuned...

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