
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Prop Department

James Franco fresh of the release of Pineapple Express chats with the folks over at Flawed Hollywood about his next flick-the biopic Milk...

File this one under Strange Topics:

It seems that both he and Sean Penn don prosthetic parts of the male anatomy for the movie...

"Milk" tells the story of San Francisco activist and politician Harvey Milk (Penn), the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in America in 1977.

Franco plays one of Milk's lovers.

Franco tells the site that during the half-day shoot of a scene in which he jumps in a pool naked, Penn didn't realise his co-star was wearing a prosthetic and when Franco asked him "you wouldn't do a scene like this if they asked you, you wouldn't dive into a pool naked?",

Penn responded "James, if I was built like you, I would."

It was only later when they were filming a scene where both were dancing and naked (and both had prosthetics on) that Penn realised Franco had been wearing a Boogie Nights- Dirk Diggler style prosthetic for all his naked scenes.

Are viewers going to get that up close of a look in the notice? It just seems a weird type thing to mention...So strange that I couldn't resist posting about it... urm...Imagine being the property master on that set...

The film opens on December 5th.

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