
Friday, August 22, 2008

Sorry Charlie

Dave McNary of Variety says SAG leaders reject majors' offer...

And something called UFS may have caused a tiff between a famous father and son in Hollywood.

Martin Sheen has called out leaders of the Screen Actors Guild for exploiting its A-list members' names to gain support for a controversial revision of its voting policy.

The always outspoken Sheen is upset over a group called- Unite for Strength - whose leaders want to impose a stricter work requirement for union members voting on contracts.

Sheen says: "If you're one of the tens of thousands of SAG members who don't work enough or earn enough as an actor, you're in danger of losing one of your fundamental rights as a union member. They've proudly and publicly touted their list of supporters, including the names of very high-profile actor-producers. They and their supporters have signed a petition that would end democracy in the Screen Actors Guild and create a 'class system' between the 'haves' and the 'have nots'."

The actor's son, Charlie Sheen , is among the A-list names who have endorsed the union's proposed voting policy.

Awkward round the dinner table at the Sheen mansion...

Stay Tuned...

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