
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Swift Justice

George Clooney and his production company have landed the rights to the legal thriller The Challenge by Jonathan Mahler says Variety.

Wait I thought Clooney is busy giving Barack Obama advice....Denials from both Clooney and Obama camps on that...

Anyhow...The book deals with the long campaign waged by US Navy lawyer Charles Swift and Georgetown University's Law School professor Neal Katyal to ensure a fair trial for Salim Hamdan , the bodyguard and driver of Osama bin Laden .

Hamdan was sentenced August 7th by a panel of military officers at Guantanamo Bay to a prison term of 66 months, including time already served. He was found guilty of material support for terrorism but cleared of the more serious charges of conspiracy to commit murder. Some analysts this as a victory directly related to Swift's efforts.

I think it's a safe bet that the film will either be directed/written and or starring Clooney.

This project casts the US in a bad light and since Clooney does not care for the current administration--it's right up his alley.

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