
Monday, August 11, 2008

View From Space

TrekMovie posts that J.J. Abrams screened his first cut of the Star Trek reboot for the studio execs at Paramount Pictures recently....

Reaction was said to be "far beyond expectations" and the film itself was "very impressive" according to several sources.

There's still quite a bit of post-production left to be completed for the film. Chief among which are the visual effects from Industrial Light and Magic.

Abrams is determined to finish the film in time for Christmas, (the original release date) despite a May '09 debut...

But with some 1300+ effects shots to complete it's looking like the date shuffle was a wise move..

The first theatrical trailer has already been edited, but the effects are not done. It's still expected to be released sometime this Fall though-attached to September 26's Eagle Eye?

Lucky for team Abrams the screening went "well"--Or....Now get back to work boys and girls...

Meanwhile 4 new promo posters have also been released....showing Sulu (John Cho), Scotty (Simon Pegg), McCoy (Karl Urban) and Chekov (Anton Yelchin).

See it May 8Th 2009.

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