
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Where Did He Go?

The future of the "Superman" film franchise remains in doubt folks as suits at Warner Bros. consider what to do next about the direction of the series.

While the mega success of The Dark Knight has everyone at the studio grinning like the Joker , clearly, superhero flicks have been problematic, to say the least....

Take "Justice League: Mortal": DC creative affairs senior VP Gregory Noveck insisted to Variety over the weekend that "We're going to make a Justice League movie, whether it's now or 10 years from now. But we're not going to do it and Warners is not going to do it until we know it's right."

But we know better There's been little progress made over the last several months and while I admire notions of getting it "right" After so much ballyhoo about making it happen--And 10 years might be what it takes. Why announce until you can be a bit more confident?

Back to Supes...While Superman: Man of Steel isn't technically dead, as Garth Franklin of Dark Horizons aptly says the film "remains on severe life support... "Superman Returns". Bryan Singer's film is regarded as a noble misfire with very mixed reactions and only moderate box-office numbers. There's always been talk of sequel, but the question has been more what form will it take.

Anne Thompson, of Variety said on her Blog today that within the WB "they too believe that the last movie didn't break the mold and wound up in some kind of middle limbo."

NO new writers are currently working on the project and the studio doesn't seem to know what they want -a direct sequel, or another reboot

Sources tell Thompson that "It is a priority at the studio to find the right direction and if Bryan Singer is willing to do that, fine, but if he gets in the way, he may not stay on the project....It might be better to start from scratch."

Franklin: "Despite the delays, the general reasons for the delays though seem to be good - the studio is taking time to develop the properties right and is concerned more with their quality than reaching a specific date."

I like Franklin am hopeful that MOS will happen....I want Singer to have another go at it..I am disheartened though that the hero that gave me a love of cinema almost 30 years ago with Superman may be in big sreen "limbo" for a long time...Again.

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