
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Heavy Iron

Mickey Rourke is enjoying a comeback with his attention grabbing turn in The Wrestler and yesterday's news that he's been cast in The Expendables.

Now comes word that both he and Sam Rockwell are in talks to play the roles of two villains in Iron Man 2 reports Variety.

Rourke would play the Crimson Dynamo. The character, a heavily tattooed Russian arms dealer who battles our hero in a nuclear-powered suit of armor that can control electricity.

In the comics he is tricked into defecting to the US and went to work for Stark, forcing the Soviets to send KGB assassin Black Widow after him. Black Widow has also been rumored to appear in the sequel.

Meanwhile, not confirmed, but Rockwell is said to be playing Justin Hammer a British businessman and rival of industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.).

Rourke would make a great Dynamo--Another role ala Sin City ...

As for Rockwell--given the character's future he may be the seed for a future film.

The script is still being finalized by scribe Justin Theroux so details may indeed change.

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