
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Playing The Spoiler

Michael Cera told MTV News that the film version of his sit-com Arrested Development it's still early days yet.

"There’s no script or anything, so the movie I think is more hypothetical than people think. I’d possibly play the part. I’d possibly put the script in my shredder…I’m enjoying being the villain"

Show creator Mitchell Hurwitz said last year that Cera was the lone holdout keeping the flick at bay.

Hurwitz doesn’t want to write the script until he’s confirmed the cast for the film.

Cera's reluctance doesn't mean that he's not open to the idea-- He states he is "very interested to see what the story is with [the film]."

Cera is at at Sundance to promote "Paper Heart".

I think there's something else at work here...It's either that Cera is trying to put more career distance between him and the series or it's a matter of money...My gut says it's the latter...Given his quote to MTV.

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