
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Developments

After weeks s of holding out--Michael Cera has finally agreed to do the feature film version of the cancelled but highly touted sitcom "Arrested Development" says E! Online's Kristin.

Cera had been the lone holdout among the show's stars for several weeks. The rest of the show's cast including Jason Bateman, Portia de Rossi Will Arnett, Tony Hale, Jessica Walter, Jeffrey Tambor and David Cross , are already up for it according to sources and the movie may go into production as early as the end of the year.

Cera has proven he doesn't need AD--His involvement means that they offered him the right amount of ca-ching

Exec producer and the show's narrator Ron Howard told Seacrest at the Oscars on Sunday:

"It's looking very much like we're going to make [the movie], but we've now been asked to stop offering any details. It's cloaked in a little mystery, but it's looking good."

Mitchell Hurwitz is writing and directing the flick.

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