
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not Even Close

An actors strike update:

SAG rejects 'final offer' from AMPTP

The Screen Actors Guild turns down feature-primetime deal...

From The AP:

The Screen Actors Guild board of directors on Saturday rejected the "last, best and final offer" by Hollywood producers for a new contract.

The contract was rejected by 73 percent of SAG's board members, spokeswoman Pamela Greenwalt said in a statement.

SAG called the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers' demand for the contract to run for three years instead of two, "regressive and damaging."

Producers insist the three-year contract would start when it is ratified, instead of when the last one expired, which would mean SAG would not be able to join with the writers' and directors' guilds to increase their bargaining power when their contracts expire in 2011.

A statement released by the
Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers aid its offer was strong and fair and it had always sought a three-year deal, just as it had negotiated with other guilds and unions.

"We simply cannot offer SAG a better deal than the rest of the industry achieved under far better economic conditions than those now confronting our industry," the statement said.

AMPTP spokesman Jesse Hiestand declined to comment beyond what was in the statement

UPDATED: Will CEOs chime in on SAG impasse?

So much for a harmonious Oscar weekend...I wonder if the subject will come up during the telecast...?

Stay Tuned....

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