
Monday, April 06, 2009

Suit Situation

As production kicks of today--Robert Downey Jr. is talking about “Iron Man 2

He tells ET Online:

"The film is almost entirely about character, and yet we still have twice as much action as we did last time, so it's going to be nuts. Essentially Iron Man 2 is about looking behind the armor, or the armature, of a superhero. It's one thing to say you're Iron Man, it's another thing to be fully ready to do that".

And then chatting with Splash he says the fan favorite storyline 'Demon in a Bottle' won't be used in this sequel:

"I think [that is] probably best saved, because it’s such its own storyline. We’re going for the interim space [between the origin and Demon], which is more a look behind the mask of someone who says he’s Iron Man and what it really is to become a superhero."

Meantime--former Iron Man co-star Terrence Howard shed further light on the decision to replace him with Don Cheadle for IM 2 while out promoting his next flick April 24th's Fighting.

Sci-fi Wire

"They made a choice. They made a very, very bad choice. They didn't keep their word. They didn't honor our contract. They sent everyone out into a field and told them to work and produce a great bounty. You produce a great bounty, and then when it's all in the storehouse, you are not allowed into the storehouse."

... One of the things that actors need to learn to do is take a tip from "Friends" [whose cast members all held out for higher pay as the series went on]. You always choose to stick together. One for all and all for one..

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