
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chewing On Iron

Director Jon Favreau talked to the folks at Empire Online about the character arc that Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) will have in Iron Man 2.

"Tony's expected to be a role model and I don't think he's ready to be one. He's under a great deal of pressure and when you're under pressure, I think you find outlets for that. That's one of the tensions of the film: it's one thing to say you're Iron Man, and another thing to actually become Iron Man."

Favreau also said that Jim Rhodes (Don Cheadle), as hinted at in Iron Man, may be stepping into some hardware this time around.

As for Mickey Rourke-playing Whiplash he says "I'm having the time of my life!".

Filming on 2010 sequel is about 50% complete.

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