
Monday, June 01, 2009

Different POV

It seems as though I'm not the only who is upset over the idea of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot flick that turns its back on TV show and creator Joss Whedon....

Moviehole saw Anthony Head who played the watcher Giles on the television show, on USA Weekend talking about the reboot which will not include him.

I wouldn’t want to see it, no. The Kuzuis didn’t do a great job on the movie the first time around. It was Joss’ script at the age of 19, but they changed a lot of it. They said, ‘Look, we know best and we know how to make this movie,’ and it became quite schlocky and high camp.”

Could not agree more...But...

Ever the gentleman Whedon told EW's Michael Ausiello when asked:

What do you think about this Buffy movie they're making without you?

JOSS WHEDON: I hope it's cool

Granted he is busy doing The Cabin in the Wood and couldn't give a detailed response...but he sounds Ok with it!

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