
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Temperature Gage

STYD caught up with director Frank Darabont at the 35th annual Saturn Awards (list of winners) where he said that that his film adaptation of "Fahrenheit 451" is still on hist of things to do. But..

"That's been a bit of a struggle. Hollywood doesn't trust smart material... I actually had a studio head read that script and say: "Wow, that's the best and smartest script that I've read since running this studio but I can't possibly greenlight it." I asked why and he says "How am I going to get 13-year-olds to show up at the theater?"."

A film version of 451 has been discussed forever--Studios should consider that folks of any age will go and see a movie that's well made...If Darabont makes this one on the cheap as well it should have no problem turning a profit...

Speaking of keeping costs down...

And then the subject turned to an adaptation of Stephen King's "The Long Walk"

"'It's going to be coming up I think pretty shortly. But I'll be making it, I'm sure, even more cheaply than The Mist because I don't want to blow the material out of proportion. It's such a very simple, weird, almost art film-like approach to telling a story"

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