Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dark Times Ahead

J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof will turn author Stephen King's mega series The Dark Tower into a multi film saga says Cinematical

The Dark Towers series is comprised of seven books and is a hybrid of the western and fantasy genres filled gunslinging trips through time, and a commentary on, connected to, and a culmination of King's work as a writer.

The author reportedly sold the rights for $19.00--a number significant to those who have read the books.

The plan is to have the Lost TV series finish its run next year and then go Dark ala The Lord of the Rings films...

My pal Joe was sooo excited when he alerted me to the news...You mighta thought he won the BIG lottery jackpot...

I am jazzed too based on everything he's told me about the saga...

Let the Dark Ages begin!!

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