Producer Bradley Fuller is here to put them to rest via the studio blog.
He says neither Freddy's look or voice has been finalised.
"We are continuing to refine Freddy's look... Freddy's face is 98% practical make-up... we went hardcore on what a burn victim really looks like."
Haley spent a lot of time researching what people who've had their vocal cords burned sound like and "is still working on it and I suspect that we will be refining it, until the last moment".
He also says that the 2010 'Nightmare' will definitely be R-rated.
Meanwhile, concerning another horror franchise:
Bloody Disgusting says that an August 13th 2010 release has been tagged for a sequel to the Friday the 13th 2009 remake from this past February...The 13th film starring hockey masked killer Jason Voorhees...
And finally the buzz worthy suspense thriller "Paranormal Activity" wil go wider on Friday October 9th.
'Activity' sold out all of its Thursday thru Saturday midnight screenings in 33-cities across the country this past weekend, earning a per screen of $16,000 for a total estimated gross of $535,000.
Hundreds of thousands of fans from across the U.S. have overwhelmingly demanded the film in their area, forcing the expansion of the film to over 40-markets.
They will also begin showing the movie at all hours, including midnight only theaters.
Here's the Activity trailer...
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