
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alien On The Horizon

In an exclusive chat Empire caught up with director Sir Ridley Scott for a quickie concerning his anticipated Alien Prequel that he hopes "to direct soon-ish".

However the new film may not lead into the first Alien as has been the conventional wisdom…

It’s a brand new box of tricks, we know what the road map is, and the screenplay is now being put on paper. The prequel will be a while ago. It’s very difficult to put a year on Alien, but [say the first] Alien was towards the end of this century, then the prequel story will take place thirty years prior.”

I take that to mean that Jon Spaihts' script will focus on how the beasts got to be on the planet seen in the 1979 feature...and the 1986 sequel...

I never thought I’d look forward to a sequel,” said Scott. “But a prequel is kind of interesting. I’m looking forward to doing that.”

Scott has so many films in the pipeline that I wonder when this will actually hit the cineplex?

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