
Monday, October 26, 2009

Canned Ham

History was made on the set of Sylvester Stallone's anticipated star packed action flick "The Expendables" --as the scene between 3 film heavyweights is now in the can as of this past Saturday morning says Ethelmae's Blog

Stallone, Bruce Willis and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger all showed up at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood to shoot "a pivotal scene that sets up the whole movie" according to publicist Maria Lascala, a scene that has the three action stars playing off of each other.

The scene was shot in an empty church without extras and minimal set decorations while the tone was a blend of "tension and humor".

Lascala says the scene went well- "we got through the scene quickly without compromise. In 6 hours we did wide shots, close-ups, turned around ... the whole nine yards"

Can't wait to watch it all unfold on screen when the film opens next August.

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