
Friday, October 30, 2009

I've Heard It All Before

Speaking with producer Stephen L'Heureux says that--the long-awaited "Sin City 2" should go before cameras in the second half of next year.

The sequel will be based on an original script by creator Frank Miller who co-directs with Robert Rodriguez. It is still not yet known when the sequel will hit theaters.

According to L'Heureux:

"With 'Sin City' just on the horizon I don't think we'd be able to do it with Frank right away. As simple as 'Sin City' seems, it's a very complex scheduling with all these actors and it's a very demanding shoot to be on a sound stage all day long. We have to space it for Frank. There's also talk, of course, of 'Sin City 3'."

There has certainly been enough space between the first and second pics already don't ya think?

I will believe it's a realty when I am sitting in the theater.

Miller is also attached to direct and is working on the screenplay for "Hard Boiled", based on the comics originally published in 1990 and saw an insurance investigator-turned-cyborg turn assassin.

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