
Friday, October 23, 2009

A Jedi Mind Trick?

How's this for a rumor...

If James Cameron's Avatar does extremely well, Lucasfilm would consider making a new "Star Wars" film trilogy in 3-D...

Yup. Market Saw claims that creator George Lucas would shepard a series of three, all new Star Wars films.

He won’t direct them....instead he hopes to get his pals Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola to helm the films...

Yeah I know Rumors Rumors Still ya gotta admit the idea of Lucas NOT directing new Wars film is pretty tantalizing...

The suits at Lucasfilm told AICN: "Lucasfilm is not currently working on a 3-D version of the Star Wars movies."

Which is not exactly a denial since the answer did not include the the words "new" and "trilogy"


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