
Thursday, October 08, 2009

Or Wellesian

The 2nd trailer for Richard Linklater's November 25th pic Me and Orson Welles has hit...

Set in 1937 New York, the story centers on a high school student (Zac Efron) who happens upon the yet-to-open Mercury Theatre and is noticed by its mercurial founder, Orson Welles. The man lands a part in "Julius Caesar," the production that catapulted Welles to the top, and spends the next week learning about life and love

Sure you see more of Zac as he stretches his dramatic acting muscles...But who really stands out for me here is Christian McKay as Welles--Wow! Voice inflection and cadence is pitch perfect and not at all over the top.

Efron also seems to have good chemestry with leading lady Claire Danes...

Looking Good...

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