
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Star Trek: Resurrection?

William Shatner may get his wish and get the chance to appear in as Kirk for Star Trek 2...

The West Australian reports that J.J. Abrams would consider including Shatner in the sequel for the Trek reboot. "I would love to work with him," Abrams said at a press conference. "It was a foregone conclusion we wanted him in [Star Trek]. The problem was his character died on screen in one of his Trek films and we decided that we wanted to adhere to Trek canon.”

Abrams added that he felt they had more of an opening with the sequel to find a manner in which to reintroduce Captain Kirk prime In fact, Abrams and Shatner are even joining each other for a “dinner date.”

A cameo scene was written for the Shat in Star Trek but he nixed the idea in favor of a media blitz complaining about the fact that he was not in the new film.

Even though the fanboy part of me thinks it would be cool to see Kirk prime "in action one more time" The adult in me says "just move on"

Still--If Abrams comes up with a brilliant way to include him (satisfying salary demands and dare I say plot) I have no problems with the move I suppose-- just hope his appearance doesn't detract from the great stuff that's been established so far...

I trust Abrams to make the right call...

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