
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Go Directly To Jail

Author of The Looking Glass Wars and "There's Something About Mary" producer Frank Beddor talked with The Los Angeles Times trying to explain the plot of the film based on the Monopoly board game--that has Ridley Scott interested in calling action.

Think Alice's Adventures in Wonderland folks...

A lovable loser fails to convince his friends to help him attempt to break the world record for playing Monopoly, and then waking up the next morning in 'Monopoly City' world complete with its colourful money and sight gags based on the games iconic imagery.

You gotta be kidding right?

Beddor pitched the project to Scott and was as surprised as anyone apparently that he wanted to direct the project.

And admits that to overcome many people's prejudices about the project, is hard as "so much of it is about the execution."

Sounds like the biggest piece of crap that may ever hit movie theaters--I wiuld rather play the game than watch that--No matter who's calling action....

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