
Friday, November 13, 2009

Soap Dish

Next Friday November 20th actor James Franco begins a guest stint on the daytime soap General Hospital.

As it turns out there's more to the story than Franco merely wanting to stretch as a performer...

Movieline spoke to a collaborator with Franco who said that his job on the soap ties in with another project he's working on - a feature film he describes as "pretty abstract".

"It was an idea that I posed to him, and it’s tied to another film that he and I are working on now. It’s not specifically for another project, because I know that he’s really enjoying the challenge of working on a soap — it’s a very taxing job, and an interesting thing for him to be doing — but it does have to do with another film that he and I are working on" 'Carter' who was also behind the project "Erased James Franco" told them

Carter adds "it’s in the very beginning stages. It’s basically written, and now we’re working on getting the other actors involved... the line between what’s fine art and what’s a commercial piece is a constant puzzle. But in my mind, if you ask me, it’s a feature film that’s gonna be pretty abstract, for a larger audience".

Franco meatime told Vulture that "I've got other ideas for my participation in this soap opera beyond just being in this soap opera".

He's enjoying the challenge- "It's been a blast so far. It was kind of mind-blowing. I've worked one day on it. It's one day of a few. But I think we packed seven episodes of my material in. They gave me a script for the day that was as thick as a film script and that's what we planned to shoot in a single day. No ad-libbing."

Hmmm....Franco does the Soap for the sake of Abstract Art...??

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