
Monday, December 14, 2009


Out promoting Friday's Avatar with Channel 4 News Weaver got a little spoilery talking about Ghostbusters III.

"I’m afraid to say it Ghostbusters 3 is happening, I hope people are excited about that. I don’t know if I’m going to be in it, I have had a couple of calls asking ‘would you read the script’."

She spills deets on the script by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky.

"I know that my little son Oscar – who was kidnapped from me [in Ghostbusters II]– I think he has grown up to be a ghostbuster.…I might be in it; I see nothing wrong with being in it, although I don’t think I will have a big part. I think Bill Murray has a little more to do with it - he’s a ghost."

Peter Venkman as a ghost!?? I don't know--if true-- how I feel about that development. But then again if the sequel is a good film who cares?

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