
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hobbit Hullabaloo

As casting gets underway on The Hobbit...It's been a strange 24 hours...

Latino Review posted a report claiming that Tobey Maguire is in early talks to play Bilbo Baggins for Guillermo del Toro.

During the promotion push of "Brothers" the recent Globe nominee himself dropped the hint he might be working with del Toro in the near future. If true Maguire would have to go to work on 'Hobbit' right after he wraps Spider-Man 4 and before Spider-Man 5,

Then Maguire's publicist Kelly Bush told Movieline simply the report "is false".

Maguire said in a personal statement “I have not met with del Toro. We don’t have any near future plans...."

Sounds like LR really missed the Mark here...getting lots of attention just the same--either that or someone wanted to float the idea....

The folks at Pajiba say Maguire is instead a Prisoner Of Trebek The script by William Wheeler is already finished and awaiting a director.

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