
Thursday, January 07, 2010

No Go Robo

Darren Aronofsky’s long planned RoboCop is now on hold says Moviehole.

A source spoke with the people involved and was told that the problem is a conflict between MGM. and Aronofsky.

It seems the studio wants to ride the 3-D wave with the film. Aronofsky on the other hand, isn’t interested in going that way at all.

He wants to do everything organically as he did in The Fountain.

A shame the studio doesn't have faith in Aronofsky to make a worthy pic without using 3-D to jazz it up. The suits can hire someone else on the new Robo. Bravo Aronofsky for taking a stand on this one.

The success of Avatar has only made studio's more hungry to use tricks to get butts in the seats

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