
Monday, February 08, 2010

Dead Ringer

Bill Murray confirmed his role in the sequel Ghostbusters III to The Mail On Sunday..And there's a MAJOR SPOILER! :

Saying he would do the film “only if I get to be a ghost. I said to them, ‘I’ll do it if you kill me off in the first reel.’ So now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film"

He added:

The first 45 minutes of the original Ghostbusters is some of the funniest stuff ever made. The second one was disappointing, because the special effects guys took over. I had something like two scenes – and they’re the only funny ones in the movie.”


Ghostbusters co-star Sigourney Weaver first let the information on Murray's role slip back in December. When looked at in the light of reboot land I suppose the plot point makes more sense now then when Weaver first said it.

The film is scheduled for a 2012 release.

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