
Friday, February 26, 2010

Red Square Bots

Director Michael Bay talks Transformers 3 going 3-D during an interview on the Starz program In The House via MTV:

"It's a process we're testing with some Transformers scenes. How successful it is with my movie in terms of a lot of real stuff coming out of the frame, real dirt, real complicated little particles coming towards the lens, because hopefully that process will work. I've seen some tests that look great on other movies. I just want to see how it looks on my footage."

He also said he had to abandon his plans to do a small movie before the next Transformers: "I've become friends with these guys that run Paramount and they [told me] 'We're going to get fired if we don't have a 2011 franchise,' so I'm like you can't let these guys down. The economy's been so rough, it's kind of important. When you say yes to a movie like this you automatically give 3,000 people jobs: 1,000 for the toys, 2,000 for the filmmaking. I'm going to put [the small film] on hold and do it right after [Transformers 3]."

For the next pic im the series: "You can't just rehash the old. We're adding a lot of new elements. We're adding new characters. We're adding a lot of twists".

Production is set to begin in June and Bay said on his blog that the story would include big action sequences shot in Chicago and Moscow.

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