
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Iron Maiden

Attack of the Show co-host hottie Olivia Munn spoke to Complex Magazine about her role in Iron Man 2 saying that it ended up being quite different than even the filmmakers expected, so much so she ended up playing two different characters in the May 7 super hero sequel

Munn explains she had to recently reshoot all of her scenes for the film in a completely different role than the one she played during the main shoot last year.

"As they started to edit they realized it was becoming darker than what they'd expected and what my scenes had allowed for. My parts were lighthearted and comedic" says Munn who "would've started crying" had her scenes been left on the cutting room floor.

[Director] “Jon Favreau called and was like, "I've got good news and bad news: This is what's happening in editing but we all really like you. Marvel and Jon had to add another character from the Marvel universe to keep me included"

Munn didn't elaborate on either of her characters--which is OK because I'm just glad she's in still in the film

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