
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lighter Side Of Film Life

My pal Will Stape over at Associated Content landed an exclusive interview with director Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth Elizabeth: The Golden Age and Passage)

The entire interview is really good...

The thing that jumped out from the chat though is the news made about Kapur's Larklight

Can you talk about Larklight? Is it still a go are you still attached to the project?

No. I'm not attached to Larklight anymore.

So the Larklight project just fell through?

A lot of times you keep working at it... the script. Then you're busy elsewhere. You keep working on the script where everybody will say yes to it. If it doesn't then it kind of just disappears, because everybody else gets interested in other things.

Just a bit of fascinating insight into how the industry works-

Congrats Will on a great job!

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