
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rock Slider

Danny Boyle talked about his real life mountain climbing drama "127 Hours" for Empire's Movie-Con III over the weekend and describes the film as not just a challenge to make but one he wants to be "a challenge to [the audience] to see if you can sit and watch it"

The story follows extreme climber Aron Ralston (James Franco) who gets trapped on a cliff-face with his arm wedged beneath a boulder and ultimately amputated half his forearm with a Swiss Army knife in order to free himself.

The challenge for Boyle is that the film doesn't provide for a real change in scenery, there's ancillary characters only at the start and end, and no antagonists save for an big Rock

I have a feeling the challenges were met by Boyle and Franco ans that they will deliver a very watchable movie

Boyle has more to say about the film here

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