
Thursday, September 02, 2010

Mud Slingers

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Giamatti have signed on to actor George Clooney's next directorial assignment "Farragut North"" reports Vulture.

Beau Willimon has adapted his own off-Broadway play based upon his own experiences working on Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign.

Set in Des Moines, Iowa just before the Democratic caucus, the story revolves around political manipulator Stephen Myers who uses dirty tactics to get his candidate a nomination.

Leonardo DiCaprio was previously attached to play Myers but has taken a pass

Chris Pine is expected to be offered the role since he portrayed it on stage last year in Los Angeles. I hope he finds the time to accept the job

Evan Rachel Wood and Marisa Tomei are being sought after to co-star in the pic

Shooting may start as early as February.

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